Friday, December 03, 2004

Interesting email

Here is an interesting email I recived with my responses.

From: Tim Barounis
Date: Thu, 02 Dec 2004 17:10:01 -0600
Subject: your blog = JoyofSurgery

Hi Dr. Evans,

I found your blog today and enjoyed reading it. Glad you did.
I'm a 3rd year medical student at Rush and, as a matter of
fact, in the middle of my surgery rotation right now.
Hope you are enjoying it!
Up until a few months ago, I actually had a blog of my
own - very similar to yours.
Good for you, I heartily approve!!
Where was your blog?
I was forced by the administration (which one?)
to stop doing it because of concerns about revealing
confidential information. Like you, I never revealed
names or other identifying data. But I did discuss,
in frank detail, some of the interesting cases I had seen.
That is appropriate.
What do you think about this?
Concern for patient data is everywhere!
Like you, I was not blogging anonymously and I was
asked by more than one person - What if one of your
patients saw your blog and recognized him or herself?
Well the obvious ironclad solution is to have obtained
permission from the patient then there is
no dispute by anyone.
I didn't have a response for them other than that
I believed what I was doing was both within the confines
of the law and medical ethics.
I agree.
Do you think there is an ethical question here?
No ethical question whatsoever.
Maybe a HIPPA patient privacy question.
What would you do in my place?
A - either get patient permission or B- transfer my
blog to an area not controlled by administration.
What would you do if hospital administration asked
you to stop blogging?
Explore all my options. Since so many sites such as
Medscape, etc. have message boards which actually
discuss cases, it seems far fetched to be concerned
as long as there is no identifying information.

Also, if you want to share my blog for your surgery
cases we can discuss that.


1 comment:

Tim said...

Thanks for reading and responding to my email.
My blog used to be at The website is still there, just not using it for blogging now. Maybe, once I become an attending, I'll go back to it.