Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Toxic Success and the Mind of a Surgeon

Well folks, today I have decided to discuss a journal article of the listed title. It is from the August 2004 Archives of Surgery. The author is Paul Pearsall, Ph.D. It is an invited lecture from the 75th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Coast Surgical Association. Pearsall lists two of his own books in the references for the article. The guy is a real self-promoter. Just check out his website paulpearsall.com. He has no fear of talking about something with which he is relatively unfamiliar = his own quote from the article "My admittedly limited number of interviews of surgeons..." He clearly ascribes to the theory of when you have no data try to feed the suckers baloney. I suspect the real problem with Pearsall is that he is infatuated maybe even addicted with being a "peddler" and what he peddles is pablum. I also suspect he has "Dr. Phil envy". I chalk this up to being just another pop psychology piece. The sad part is that it found its way into a peer reviewed surgical journal. Hope others who happen to have read this article will comment; however, if you have not read it don't waste your time doing so. JTE.

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