Sunday, April 18, 2004

Well folks today is the third day of this Blog. I was on call from Saturday at 7 AM till Sunday at the same time. Our last case was an interesting one - small bowel obstruction requiring exploratory laparotomy and lysis of adhesions. The case went well and the patient should do well despite multiple underlying co-morbidities. I took the chance of being with my residents to tell them about this Blog. Hopefully, it will stimulate interest in the idea of a surgical blog devoted to the discussion of the joys of surgery and the surgical life. My chief resident acknowledged that he had seen the article in the General Surgery News which details the results of a survey which calls into question the dedication of young doctors. I do not remember recieving the survey mentioned so I guess maybe they knew in advance who to avoid. Well, I am still having fun doing surgery. Looking for those comments. James T. Evans, M.D.

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